
- Movie Scripts and Screenplays - Movie Scripts and Screenplays web ring home and listing of a ton of script sites as well as scripts
- SimpyScripts.com - Links to Hundreds of Current, Classic and Soon to be Release Movies Scripts, Screenplays and Transcripts
- Daily Script - Movie Scripts and Movie Screenplays in proper screenwriting format. The Ultimate Screenwriters Resource
- Movie Page - Movie Information, Movie Scripts, Trailers - Tons of stuff. Nice Layout, Too
- On-Line Horror and Suspense Page - The Source for Horror and Suspense Scripts on the 'Net
- Awesome Movie Scripts - A bunch of Awesome movie scripts
- John Cusack Fan Site - John Cusack Fan Site with scripts to many of his movies!
- Ben and Matt - A Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Fan Site with scripts
- Ridley Scott Fan Information Page - Showcase of Scripts and Movie Information about the director, Ridley Scott. Scripts to all but one of Ridley Scott Directed Movies.
- Classic Movie Scripts - Movie Scripts and Transcripts to Movies up to the 1960's
- Cartoon Movies - If you love cartoons, this is the site for you! Scripts of all your favorite animated movies
- Movie Scripts Online - An odd collection of movie scripts and screenplays
- Charlie Kaufman - Being Charlie Kaufman - The Best and the Only Complete Charlie Kaufman Fan Site on the 'net.
- Screenplays for You - Movie Scripts and Screenplays in alphabetical order
- Shades of Day - Official Site of VM Productions. Extensive database of Film Related Sources.
- Sci-Fi Movie Page - Hundreds of reviews of both classic and more recent sci-fi movies and DVDs, plus articles, message boards, dozens of clips and trailers, and more.
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