My Girl 2 By Janet Kovalcik SETTING: MADISON, PENNYSYLVANIA 1974 CLOSE-UP OF VADA SULTENFUSS' FACE VADA I remember before I was born, wounded up like a fur ball in the highly overrated fetal position, luckily I'm not claustrophobic, but on rainy days I still feel a tightness in my left shoulder. So now that my stepmother's pregnant, I understand what the baby's going through, and I'm not jealous at all, really, not at all. VIEW OF THE SULTENFUSS' DINING ROOM TABLE. VADA, HARRY AND SHELLY ARE SEATED. SHELLY IS VERY PREGNANT HARRY Hey you're not eating your meatloaf. SHELLY If I eat it I'll throw up. HARRY Well you should at least try a little bit. SHELLY Then I'll throw up a little bit. VADA (to Shelly's stomach) Are you sure you wanna get involved in this? OUTSIDE SULTENFUSS' HOUSE, MUSIC IS PLAYING OUR HOUSE, INSIDE HARRY IS SINGING HARRY are illuminated by the evening sunshine through them firey gems for you, only for you, our house, is a very, very, very fine house, with two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard, now everything is easy 'cause of you... Harry walks to Vada who is placing chairs in rows in the funeral room HARRY Vada, try to scrunch these chairs together a little more. VADA Dad, I'm trying. The chairs, they won't scrunch. Doorbell rings ARTHUR I'll get it. HARRY Well I guess we'll just set up more chairs in the library and pipe the sermon in like we did with Old Man Hasselmeyer. VADA Better fix that speaker, it makes the minister sound like an astronaut. Arthur opens the front door to reveal Judy ARTHUR Oh, hello Judy. JUDY Hi Arthur. Harry walks past HARRY Hi Judy, come on in. JUDY Hi Mr. Sultenfuss. ARTHUR (to Vada) Look who I found. VADA Hi Judy! Judy doesn't enter the funeral room. She doesn't like the idea of being anywhere near a corpse JUDY (nervous) Hi. VADA Come on in! JUDY That's okay. VADA It's just a corpse. JUDY I know that. VADA You should be here when they bring in a body that's been dead for a couple of days, and they haven't found it yet, 'cause it was in an apartment, and no-one came to visit, or floating in a river, and then the body starts turning this weird shade of green, you know, like watery pea soup? The arms and legs deteriorate first, the body looks like a raisin with four fat legs. Anyway, this is why I'm seriously considering cremation. Judy?? front door closes Judy??? ARTHUR I think you lost on the raisin with the four fat legs honey. LIVING ROOM, HARRY AND SHELLY ARE SITTING WATCHING TV, VADA GETS A DRINK AND JOINS THEM Harry and Shelly are laughing HARRY I got a card from your Uncle Phil in Los Angeles today, said he went body surfing. VADA I don't know if I can picture Uncle Phil body surfing. SHELLY I don't know if I want to. HARRY Vada I wanna ask you a favor, remember you can absolutely say no if you want to. Shelly gives Harry a look I'm just bringing it up for discussion. SHELLY But Harry, I thought we decided we weren't gonna do this. Vada looks confused VADA Do what? HARRY Well the thing is your room is right next door to ours, and so we thought, well, I thought, if you were willing we might move you to Grammoo's room, and use your old room for the nursery. See we're gonna be up half the night with a newborn and there'll be a lot of noise.... VADA You want me to move? HARRY Well not far, just down the hall. Plus Grammoo's room's a lot bigger, and you get a view of the whole neighborhood. Vada looks a little put out VADA Okay, no problem. HARRY Okay thanks, atta girl. OUTSIDE, ON THE DECK, HARRY IS PLAYING HIS TUBA, SHELLY COMES OUT SHELLY (at the door) Harry? (closer, a little louder) HARRY?? (in Harry's ear) *HARRY*!!!! Harry gets a fright and blows a foul note I'm sorry to interrupt honey but Vada's upset. HARRY Oh, she's fine, she'll love her new room. SHELLY Look we react to every kick this baby gives, maybe Vada's trying to tell us something too. BOWLING ALLEY, VADA AND HARRY ARE BOWLING, CLOSE UP OF HARRY HOLDING UP HIS BALL HARRY The thing to remember is you must visualize a spare. The parabola of the arcing ball must intersect with the pyramid of the pins at precisely this angle of attack. Harry bowls his ball, which goes straight into the side ditch Shit. Harry walks back to Vada VADA Visualize a spare? HARRY Well you know what I mean. VADA So, what's on your mind? HARRY Me? What makes you think there's something on my mind? VADA You're passing up Archie Bunker to go bowling, you've gotta have an angle. HARRY No, I just thought it'd be nice if the two of us had an evening out so we could... talk. Vada stands up and picks up a ball VADA Shelly's already told me all about sex. HARRY She told me too, I mean, she told me she told you about sex, I personally new about sex long before I met Shelly. VADA I figured you did. Vada bowls her ball and gets a perfect strike VADA Yes! Vada returns and sits down HARRY Ahh, strike, not, not bad at all. No, this talk isn't about sex, it's, well there've been a lot of changes, and I know you're upset about losing your room, but the baby's gotta go somewhere. VADA No it's okay, I understand, really. HARRY Honey that's very mature, I'm proud of you Vada. Harry then gets up to bowl again VADA Maybe I should just move to China. One kid per family, that way you don't lose your room. HARRY Hey, why don't you just keep your room and we'll put the baby in the back yard. VADA Don't do that, you've got the whole garage. HARRY Oh yeah, right-between the power mower and the weed killer. VADA Dad I'm kidding, you can have the room. HARRY Seriously? VADA Seriously. HARRY Great. Harry stands poised to bowl... VADA I'm thirteen, maybe it's about time I got my own apartment. THUD, Harry drops his ball and turns around looking staggered, then sees that Vada is definitely kidding VADA AND JUDY ARE IN A SHOP SMELLING PERFUMES JUDY My mother can't have any more kids. VADA Neither can mine. She's dead. It's Shelly who's pregnant. JUDY (raising wrist to Vada's nose) What do you think? Vada smells Judy's wrist VADA I think I'm leaning towards passionflower, it combines the traditional floral scent with the musty aroma of samba wood. a group of teenage guys enter the shop VADA What are you staring at? JUDY It's Kevin, I don't want him to see me. VADA See you? He can smell you from there. JUDY Oh God, he's coming over here, act natural, totally natural. Vada and Judy stand close to a rack of sunglasses, Kevin and his two friends approach JUDY (looks at Kevin with a large smile, and slowly takes her sunglasses off) Hi Kevin. KEVIN Hi. Vada turns around wearing sunglasses with ENORMOUS lenses KEVIN (to Vada) Real cool Sultenfuss, you look like a grasshopper. His group of friends laugh and move off VADA What's the matter? JUDY He likes you. VADA Likes me? He said I looked like a grasshopper. JUDY Boys always pretend they hate you when they really like you. VADA That's ridiculous, so, if you really can't stand someone, then you pretend that you're really crazy about them? JUDY I don't know. And I don't care, Kevin's a jerk and I don't like him anymore. He's all yours! VADA'S THOUGHTS If grasshopper is a term of endearment, I've got a lot to learn. BEDROOM IN SULTENFUSS' HOUSE, ARTHUR, SHELLY, HARRY AND VADA ARE MOVING AROUND DOING VARIOUS THINGS ARTHUR So have you guys thought of any new names for the baby? Vada looks annoyed and drops with a thud the load of books she is carrying SHELLY Umm, yeah, if it's a girl I'm kinda leaning toward Esme. ARTHUR Esme? HARRY Yeah, you know that kinda sounds like a noise your nose makes, (nasalised) es-MEH. I mean it's... ARTHUR And what if it's a boy? HARRY Oh Harry Junior of course. VADA Dad, when a boy likes you, does he pretend that he doesn't like you? And if he pretends that he doesn't like you how can you tell that he likes you? HARRY What boy likes you? VADA It's just a question, it's not about anybody. ARTHUR Uh oh, here comes puberty. SHELLY Vada, I think what you're talking about is the fear of rejection. You see men will do anything to avoid looking foolish. HARRY Oh, Shell, that's ridiculous, where are my needle nosed pliers? SHELLY Listen, if a boy wants to do homework with you, it really means he didn't have nerve to ask you out on a date, so you'll get your homework together and pretend to be studying, and the next thing you know you're ordering pizza and talking about your favorite movie stars. VADA So you're saying...What are you saying?? HARRY Honey, ahh, guys don't wanna appear over anxious, so if you think there's a boy that might like you, let him know that you like him, so he won't feel he's taking such a risk when he's thinking of asking you out. Okay? OUTSIDE, VADA IS RIDING HER BIKE DOWN THE PAVEMENT AND ARRIVES AT JUDY'S HOUSE Vada presses the doorbell, Judy opens the door JUDY Hi. VADA Hi, wanna help me pick out wallpaper for my new room tomorrow? JUDY ehh...I don't know I mean.... Kevin appears from inside the house holding a carton of juice KEVIN Is it okay if I drink this? VADA It's okay with me, hi Kevin. KEVIN Well if it isn't Vada, the grasshopper girl. JUDY Stop it Kevin. KEVIN I was kidding, it's a joke okay. JUDY We were just doing our homework and studying for the test. VADA And the next thing you know you're gonna be ordering pizza and talking about your favorite movie stars. See ya. Vada gets on her bike and rides off VADA'S THOUGHTS In the future I think I'll stick to asking Dad for advice on embalming. VADA IS CLIMBING THE STAIRS COMING TOWARD THE CAMERA, SHE HEARS SHELLY SINGING "BABY LOVE" AND HARRY PLAYING THE TUBA IN A BEDROOM AND ENTERS SHELLY Baby, Baby, Baby love, my baby love, I need you oh how I need you, why do you do me like you do, haven't I been good to you, so deep in love with you, Baby, Baby. I read an article that says if you sing to the baby it's a calming influence. VADA Assuming the baby's a "Supremes" fan. SHELLY I bet your mom sang to you. HARRY Well if there was an article about it I'm sure she did. She was always reading. SHELLY Yes I know, it runs in the family. (to Vada) New book? VADA The Collected Works of Alfred Biedermeyer HARRY Her favorite poet. SHELLY (shaking head) Never heard of him. (burp} Excuse me. HARRY How about a nice glass of milk? SHELLY And some taco chips so I can dunk. Harry leaves, and Shelly leans forward to talk to Vada SHELLY You know Vada, being an older sister, you're gonna be very important in this baby's life. Vada's glance shifts onto Shelly's enlarged breasts, she smiles, a little embarrassed, Shelly looks down at them and laughs SHELLY They're enormous, I know. VADA Is there milk in them already? SHELLY No, the milk comes when the baby comes. VADA When did you umm, I mean umm... SHELLY Oh, I was a very late developer, they used to call me "Shelly Two Backs". All my friends had real bra's, not like the training ones I had. VADA Why do they call them training bra's? It's not like learning to ride a bike. SHELLY I know, I guess it's just sort of preparing you for the rest of your life. It's not easy being a woman. VADA You're telling me. VADA'S ROOM, BOXES EVERYWHERE, VADA IS LYING ON HER BED THINKING TO HERSELF VADA'S THOUGHTS All the great writers pondered the meaning of life and death. I've been thinking a lot about my mother recently, even though I don't have any memories of her. I wish I could see her just once, even if it were only in a dream. I know she'd help me figure things out. VADA'S ENGLISH CLASS AT SCHOOL MR. OWETT Bless me now with your fierce tears I pray, do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light. What do you think Dylan Thomas is saying here? "Rage against the dying of the light." KEVIN He's mad 'cause they shut-off his electricity. class laughs MR. OWETT I think he was referring to life energy Mr. Phillips, which in your case wouldn't cause much of a power shortage, now would it? class goes "oooohh", Vada then raises her hand MR. OWETT Vada? VADA The poem is really about attitude. It's about not giving up's easy to be overwhelmed sometimes but...that's when we should...force ourselves to push on. Alfred Biedermeyer said, "To heed the urgent inner voice, embracing destiny, not choice". MR. OWETT That's very good Vada. All right, moving on, I want to give you guys a chance to write. class does an "awe man" Hey, hey, hey, listen up, I want you to write about someone very special, someone interesting, someone you admire, someone who has achieved something worth writing about, but it's gotta be a stranger, someone you've never met, I want you to investigate the personal side, play Perry Mason, see what you can come up with. All right? Any ideas? Remember two things: Someone who has achieved something and someone you have never met. Kevin raises his hand Kevin? KEVIN Elvis, the king. MR. OWETT Elvis, the king. another guy raises his hand Devon? DEVON Farrah Fawcet, I love to watch that girl run. MR. OWETT Why is that Mr. Reid? Devon ...never mind. class laughs MR. OWETT Vada what about you, who have you come up with? VADA My mother. MR. OWETT Your mother? VADA I never met my mother. VADA, HARRY AND SHELLY ARE WALKING DOWN TOWN TALKING VADA I know my mom's favorite color was pink, and she ate peanut butter and banana sandwiches for breakfast, but that's not what I would call hard hammered facts. HARRY I told you about the pumpkin didn't I? SHELLY No. HARRY Ah, well, I bought her this huge pumpkin for Halloween, but she couldn't bear to carve it so she saved it for weeks, and it ended up under the Christmas tree. VADA Then Grammoo said on Christmas Eve, there was this sickening smell permeating the entire house. SHELLY Oh no. HARRY Yeah when I picked it up it sort of exploded and liquefied at the same time. Shelly laughs It wasn't funny, it soaked clear through Grammoo's oriental. VADA There's still a big spot on the floor. INSIDE A GENERAL STORE, VADA, SHELLY AND HARRY ENTER HARRY Okay, we need wallpaper paste. (to shop owner) Hey Cece! VADA Oh, is there anything else you remember, how did you propose? Was it romantic? HARRY Well, I kinda just blurted it out over a root beer float. SHELLY Mmmmmm. Root beer float that sounds good. VADA Did she mention any contests that she won? I mean she must have had some awards, she was so talented and all. HARRY She was talented, but honey I wish I could help you a little more, it's just that your mother and I had kind of a whirlwind courtship, she came to town with this traveling theater group, I proposed on our second date, two weeks later we were married and almost nine months later you were here and she was gone. VADA Was it a nice funeral? HARRY Oh yes, lovely funeral, Gernaldi brothers did a beautiful job, lots of pink roses...I used the white hearse. Hey, how about this flowered wallpaper for your room? Vada pulls out a roll of pitch black wallpaper and shows it to Harry VADA How about this? AT SCHOOL, VADA IS WALKING DOWN CROWDED STAIRS BEHIND MR. OWETT VADA Hi Mr. Owett. MR. OWETT Hey Vada. How's your report coming? VADA Great, I have so much to say, I hardly know where to start. MR. OWETT You know I've been re-reading Virginia Woolf, I think she'd be a natural for you, she led a fascinating life. VADA Thanks, but I think I'm gonna stick to my mom, she led a fascinating life too. MR. OWETT I'm sure she did. (to Judy and Kevin, who are standing near Vada) Hey guys. KEVIN Vada, he was giving you an easy out so you wouldn't have to write about your mother. VADA But I wanna write about her. KEVIN You're crazy, what was her big achievement? Did she invent gravity? VADA No-one invented gravity, it just exists. JUDY Then what did she do? VADA Well...I'm not supposed to talk about it, but since I'm gonna write about it I might as well tell you. She was a spy against the Russians. KEVIN Oh please, who do you think you're kidding? And where did she spy on the Russians from, here in Pennsylvania?? VADA No, not here in Pennsylvania, she went to Russia undercover with her acting troupe and got a lot of highly sensitive secret plans sent back. Just when she was about to go home, she got caught, and they killed her. KEVIN All right, so when did she have you between all her acting and spying and getting caught? VADA That's simple. She was pregnant with me...when she went to Russia and she didn't know...and then when the Russians found out, they waited to shoot her 'cause you're not allowed to kill pregnant women anywhere in the world. JUDY So she had you in jail, in Russia? VADA Well actually I was born in Siberia and then they shot her and sent me home to my Dad. KEVIN Vada, if bullshit wore a bra, you'd be topic. Come on Judy. Kevin and Judy walk off VADA Ohh...ask anyone, ask my Dad! (pause) Could be true. Vada goes to her locker and opens it, exchanging books VADA'S THOUGHTS How come guys talk so much when they have nothing to say, and girls have plenty to say, but no-one will listen. VIEW OF RUG ON FLOOR OF SULTENFUSS' LIVING ROOM, VADA LIFTS UP THE RUG AND EXPOSES THE LARGE BLACK PATCH THAT THE PUMPKIN LEFT SHOWING SHELLY VADA I used to come down here and sleep on this spot when I was little. My report is gonna be a disaster, everything I know about her fits into one little box. SHELLY A box? TOP VIEW OF BOX, VADA AND SHELLY ARE SITTING ON A BED LOOKING THROUGH IT SHELLY Oh Vada, what a sweet baby book! VADA It's only filled out to page two. I was eight pounds, four ounces. (looking further in box) There's so many programs, she was in a lot of plays. Dad said that when she was on stage, she held the audience in the palm of her hand. SHELLY (looking at a small brown paper bag) What's this? December 8th, 1958? VADA I don't know, Dad doesn't either. SHELLY Well, it must mean something. She was obviously very sentimental. VADA (as Shelly pulls out a passport) This is one of my favorite things, her passport. SHELLY (looking at the photo) Oh Vada she's so beautiful. Margaret Ann Muldovan, Born in Los Angeles, California, February 7th 1936. Aquarius. VADA Margaret's my middle name, but everybody called her Maggie. Los Angeles, have you ever been there? SHELLY No. You know they say, that it never rains, that you can barbecue on Christmas day...instead of riding your bike, you just surf over to your friends house. Oh, and the place is just crawling with celebrities. I know someone who saw Walter Matthau picking up his dry-cleaning. VADA Is that why Uncle Phil moved there? SHELLY Uncle Phil just needed a change, a little adventure. VADA I wonder why she got a passport if she never went anywhere. SHELLY Well you've gotta be prepared. VADA I'm definitely traveling some day. Shelly gets an idea SHELLY Why not now? VADA What do you mean? SHELLY How would you like to go visit your Uncle Phil in Los week during your spring vacation, you could do research on your mom. VADA But what about you and the baby? You need me. SHELLY Oh, but I'm not due to have the baby for another six weeks or so. VADA Yeah, it would be kinda great. SHELLY It would be fantastic. VADA But Dad'll never go for it. SHELLY You leave your father to me. FOYER OF SULTENFUSS' HOUSE, HARRY AND SHELLY ENTER THROUGH A DOOR ARGUING SHELLY We should encourage her to spread her wings. HARRY She can spread her wings, right here in Pennsylvania. You don't send a child alone to Los Angeles, she could come back with her ears pierced, her legs shaved and God knows what else. SHELLY She is not a child Harry, she is a young woman, she's on the brink of... HARRY Disaster, disaster lurks behind every (hesitates) palm tree. SHELLY You're being narrow-minded. Harry begins to move up the stairs HARRY Look, maybe when she's a little older, I'd be more then happy to bring up... Vada approaches from upstairs (to Vada) Ohh...Hi Vada, we were just having a little.... VADA You were just having a fight about me. Wouldn't you like to hear my opinion? HARRY Of course. VADA I think that if I'm old enough to accept a new baby, and if I'm old enough to accept a new room, I'm old enough to go to California. HARRY Honey I know it's fun to think about these things but.... VADA I already bought a ticket. HARRY What?? VADA I used my own money and got a great deal, it's a Q47NR five day fare, which means that I have to change planes in Dallas and stay over a Saturday. There's no exchanges or refunds, so...if you don't let me go then I will have wasted my entire life savings. HARRY Ah, uh, uh, bu...but...but I... I... Isn't it against the law to sell airline tickets to minors? Harry looks at Shelly, who looks guilty Don't tell me you aided and abetted this little scheme? SHELLY Well, Vada needed me. Vada leaves the room Besides the airline requires the signature of an adult. HARRY Yeah and they forgot to ask for one who wasn't having hormone surges. SHELLY Oh come on Harry, we're talking about five days here. HARRY I really think we're going overboard for just a simple school assignment. VADA IS BACK IN LIVING ROOM, RUBBING HER HAND ON THE PUMPKIN STAIN SPOT, WE CAN HEAR HARRY AND SHELLY IN THE BACKGROUND SHELLY But it's not a little school assignment. I think maybe all of this is happening for a reason. HARRY Reason? What reason? VADA LIES DOWN AND PUTS HER HEAD ON THE SPOT SHELLY Phil's moving to LA, Grammoo's passing, the baby being born, Vada's report, I think... CAMERA IS BACK ON SHELLY AND HARRY ...maybe all of these are signs, signs that it's time for Vada to take this trip. HARRY Signs. OOOOOOOOOOOH, let me get the loch ness monster on the phone, you two have a lot to talk about. No, I'm sorry, Vada is NOT going to Los Angeles, now I have made my decision and that is final. AT THE AIRPORT, VADA AND HARRY ARE WALKING OUT TOWARDS THE CHECK IN DESK HARRY And remember don't talk to anyone, even if a nun sits next to you, don't talk to her. VADA No nuns, got it. HARRY And no boys, promise me, oh those LA people are all so corrupt you'll end up pregnant and on drugs...and don't come running to me when you wake up in the city morgue with a tag on your toe having been beaten up into an unrecognizable pulp by some surfer...and DON'T make eye contact, it communicates an implied vulnerability. Vada hands her ticket to the attendant VADA What does that mean? HARRY It means...I'm a paranoid nitwit who's never let his baby girl out of his sight for the simple reason he's a paranoid nitwit. So why don't you just say "Oh Dad" and get on the damn plane already? Vada gives Harry a hug VADA Bye Dad, I'll miss you. HARRY Thanks, I needed that. VADA I'll be back in 137 hours. HARRY Have fun. Vada waves as she boards the plane Not too much. OUTSIDE VIEW OF AIRBORNE PLANE, SWITCHES TO INSIDE VIEW OF VADA AT HER WINDOW SEAT, SHE GETS OUT HER BOX AND LOOKS THROUGH IT AGAIN VADA'S THOUGHTS It's hard to believe that my mother's whole life fits into this box. I've just gotta think of this stuff as clues...or good luck charms. But I need more than luck to solve this puzzle, I need a miracle. CONVEYOR BELT AT AIRPORT IN LA VADA'S BAG DROPS ONTO BELT AND BEGINS TO MOVE ALONG, AT FIRST ATTEMPT VADA MISSES HER BAG, THEN SHE GETS IT Vada has her bag and stands in the middle of the terminal waiting, a boy is seen running into the building, he stops and looks around, passing straight by Vada, then turning and trying to get a look at her, Vada will not allow this as she keeps turning away from him BOY Are you waiting for someone? Vada stays turned away and does not reply BOY Excuse me I asked you a question. VADA I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, not even nuns. BOY You're Vada right? Vada turns nervously and looks at him VADA How did you know my name? BOY Your Uncle Phil told me. VADA Where is he?? He was supposed to meet me. BOY Hey relax, you think I kidnapped him or something? VADA This is California, anything is possible. BOY Well if I was looking for a victim, I definitely wouldn't pick your Uncle Phil who outweighs me by about 150 pounds, besides, who would I ask for ransom? You?? VADA Are you suffering from a chemical imbalance or is it just an attitude problem. BOY My only problem is that your Uncle Phil is giving me five bucks to pick you up but I don't get paid 'till delivery. VADA Gee, that is a problem. the boy picks up Vada's suitcase and begins to walk off with it VADA Put that down, I'll...I'll call the police! BOY What are you gonna do? Tell them that...a polite person helped carry your bag? VADA I don't think you're very polite. BOY Yeah, well I don't think you're very grateful. A lot of people in your position would say "thank you". he begins to move off, Vada follows VADA THANK YOU. BOY Don't mention it. VADA I don't even know your name. NICK It's Nick. (giving Vada's ticket to attendant) There you go. ATTENDANT (checks ticket against luggage) Okay. NICK Thanks. outside NICK Oh great, no cabs! Hari Krishna guy approaches Vada MAN I have a gift for you. he gives her something VADA Thanks.... NICK No THANKS! VADA He said it was a gift. NICK Yeah, RIGHT. VADA I don't need you to be telling me to... NICK TAXI!!! the two rush up to a waiting taxi, cutting off a woman who was about to get in NICK Get in...get in!! TAXI DRIVER Okay, you look like a man who knows where he's going, where're we headed? NICK Take the 405 to Santa Monica, Santa Monica to Whittier, Whittier to Sunset. CAMERA IS FOLLOWING TAXI FROM SKY, SONG IS PLAYING SWINGTOWN VADA IS WATCHING OUT WINDOW ALL THE SIGHTS, THEY PASS AN OIL PUMP, A HUGE DONUT STORE, CAPITOL RECORDS BUILDING ETC. Vada waves out the window to a surfer in a red convertible, then they turn off, and pull up to a building with "BUDAPEST auto repair" written on it NICK (paying driver) There you go. (to Vada) See that building, my grandfather built it. Budapest auto repair. (points) That's my room right up there. One of these days this is all gonna be mine. Vada enters the large garage and sees Phil walking inwards VADA Uncle Phil!! Phil turns around PHIL Vada!! Vada runs and jumps into Phil's arms Look at you, oh hi, hi, hi!! How are you? You look great, how's Shelly? Your dad? VADA They're great. PHIL How about Nick? Did he take good care of you? VADA He was very polite, worth the entire five dollars. PHIL Uh huh, well...good to know. Phil hands Nick a 5 note NICK Thanks ROSE (appears from behind a door, holding phone under her ear) Give it back Nicholas! NICK But we made a business deal. ROSE What ever happened to a good old-fashioned favor huh? Nick returns the 5 ROSE (into phone) Now Irving our family's been dealing with your company for over forty years now, now either the timing chain is here or isn't here and from what I can see it isn't here, now you wanna come down and explain to the customers why we can't re-assemble the cars because not all the parts are here. Now come on, I have enough trouble keeping my weight down, I don't need this blubber from you, are we quite clear on this Irving or do I have to speak with your father? (pause) Thank you. Yes, yes I love you too Irving. she then hangs up, and notices Vada You must be Vada! Oh what a face! she leans over and hugs Vada Oh if I had a face like that I wouldn't have to yell so much. I'm Rose, Rose Zsigmond, Nick's mother among other things. VADA You're Nick's mother? ROSE What, did you think he was raised by a pack of wolves? Don't be misled by the haircut. NICK Mom! Phil moves over to Rose and puts his arm around her shoulders PHIL Who knew that when I started working in the finest foreign car shop in LA, I would also find the light of my life. ROSE Yeah, well he left out a couple of steps, ah look, I've gotta get back to these bills, Phil will you help Vada get settled? PHIL Come on...I'll show you where you're gonna stay. Vada and Phil go upstairs, and enter a very nicely done up room PHIL Here we go...not what you expected from downstairs right? Now well put your stuff over here in this can unpack later and this is where you sleep. Luckily this sofa bed is really comfortable, I can tell you that from personal experience. (pointing) Bathroom, do you have to? (pointing) Rose and my room. VADA She lives here too? PHIL Ahh, that's right, like one big happy family. This is Nick's room and uhh.... VADA But...are you engaged or something? PHIL Dating, seriously dating. You're thirsty, want something to drink? Sure you do, it's been a long trip. Phil goes and begins to get Vada a drink You see Vada, marriage, marriage is a very big not something to be entered into lightly, see I just uhh...I just wanna make very sure that everything is absolutely right before I go jumping into some kind of a... VADA Sounds like you have a fear of commitment, Uncle Phil. PHIL That's ridiculous, I'm...I'm very, umm, what do you call it? VADA Committed? PHIL Committed. VADA So does that mean that you sleep here every night? PHIL Yes, it does. Phil holds up two containers, one of orange juice and one of milk, Vada indicates the milk VADA Well then that's not exactly dating is it. PHIL Vada, I know that traditionally you're not supposed to do a lot of these things before you're officially married...but these are very, very special circumstances. Phil pours Vada a drink of milk, as she drinks it we hear... VADA'S THOUGHTS When sex is involved, it's always special circumstances. AT THE ZSIGMOND DINNING TABLE. ROSE, PHIL, VADA AND NICK ARE SITTING, EATING VADA My parents had a brief, but intensely fulfilling relationship. She's remained a woman of mystery to this day. NICK And you're gonna solve the mystery? VADA I got it all figured out, I know she went to Wilson High School, so first thing tomorrow, I'm gonna go there and get a copy of her yearbook. That way I can get the names of all the people she was in clubs with and found out who her friends were. PHIL Then you'll be all set. ROSE Sounds like you're very organized. VADA I had to be, I only have five days. So just point me in the right direction and.... PHIL I'll do better than that. I'll send you off with your own private guide. Phil looks at Nick NICK (mouth full) Muh?? PHIL I'd consider it a personal favor. Nick flashes an evil look at Vada VADA IS IN A DRESSING GOWN, WALKING TOWARD THE KITCHEN WHERE NICK AND PHIL ARE WASHING DISHES AND TALKING, VADA STOPS BEHIND THE FRIDGE AND LISTENS PHIL It's not like you had a whole lot planned for this week right? It'll be okay. Hey, here you go. Phil hands 10 to Nick NICK What's that? PHIL Ten bucks. NICK What's it for? PHIL For the mini-bike fund. NICK Wow! PHIL Well I know you're not crazy about taking Vada around tomorrow, so...I just want you to know I appreciate it though. NICK No problem. PHIL You're a good man Nicholas. NICK Phil, I think you should consider... fades as Vada walks off CLOSE UP OF VADA IN BED. SHE WAKES UP, AND GETS UP, WANDERING OUT ONTO THE FRONT PORCH IN THE FRESH MORNING AIR LOOKING AT LA EXTERNAL VIEW OF BUS GOING DOWN A HIGHWAY INSIDE BUS, VADA AND NICK ARE SITTING ON ONE OF THE SEATS VADA I thought my mom went to school in LA, we've gotta be closing in on the Grand Canyon. But I'm sure for a trip to the Grand Canyon you'd charge a little more than...ten dollars. Nick ponders on this for a moment and then looks annoyed NICK You know eavesdropping is a very unattractive habit. VADA I wasn't eavesdropping, I was overhearing. NICK I didn't ask for the money, Phil just gave it to me. VADA Well look, I know that all you care about is your precious mini-bike. It's obvious you have no sense of historical perspective, I think we're here. she pulls the buzzer NICK (to driver) Getting off please. VADA Excuse me, pardon, thank you, excuse me. Vada and Nick get off the bus and walk towards an empty field, there is a plaque standing near them, so Vada goes to look VADA Where's the school? looks at the plaque and reads from it VADA Due to a devastating fire June 17 1963, Wilson High School was closed. I can't believe it! My mother's high school burned down! NICK They obviously have no sense of historical perspective either. VADA It's not funny! I mean what am I gonna do? Without that yearbook I'm lost. I can't just walk around town looking for someone with a Wilson High School Letter sweater!!! NICK Vada. VADA WHAT?? NICK Calm down! We just have to ask ourselves, where your books come from. I mean they don't appear out of thin air. INSIDE A PRINTING PRESS SOMEWHERE, VADA AND NICK ARE WALKING BEHIND A WORKER MAN Watch these machines now. VADA This is really very nice of you. MAN It's no problem, I had a mother once myself. they all enter a large storage room MAN If it's in here at all, it's in the back two rows. VADA O.K. Thank you very much. MAN Happy hunting. Vada and Nick begin to search through boxes and boxes of books NICK I don't mean to alarm you, but I'm getting a nose bleed from the altitude. VADA Just remember the needle in the haystack. NICK I never did understand that story, did someone find the needle or not? VADA What difference does it make? NICK A big difference, if someone found it we should keep looking, if they didn't we're just wasting our time. VADA Oh my gosh, here it is! Vada searches quickly through the book VADA Look, here she is. Margaret Ann Muldovan - Newspaper, Literary magazine, French Club, Drama Club, Debate Club, Girls Basketball and Swim team. With Maggie's combo of good looks and talent, we're sure to be seeing her name in lights. She was gonna be famous. NICK Yearbooks always set you out for disappointment, I want mine to say: Nick probably won't amount to much, so don't be surprised if you never hear anything about him again. Can we go?...It smells like someone left their gym bag in here. VADA It's the leather bindings, I love the fragrance of vintage books. NICK I love the fragrance of chilidogs. VADA AND NICK ARE AT AN OUTDOOR FAST FOOD RESTAURANT, EATING VADA He was on the school paper with my mom...great...a full page of Tanaka's, fifteen with the initial 'D', this is gonna be tough. NICK Don't forget, the girls change their names if they got married. VADA I'd never do that. NICK Get married? VADA Change my name. NICK What, you think the guy should change his name? Vada gets up to go to the phone VADA I don't think anybody should change their names, that way you can always find them when you need them. NICK What if you don't wanna be found? VADA Why do you argue with everything I say? Nick grabs one of Vada's chips while she's not looking L.A.P.D., VADA AND NICK ARE GOING UP THE STAIRS, THEY APPROACH A FEMALE COP AT THE DESK VADA Hi. COP Can I help you? VADA Umm, yeah does someone named Daryl Tanaka work here? COP Sure. (turns around and shouts) Hey TANAKA, you got company! DARYL It's too bad about your mom. At least she went peacefully, I've seen a lot of people go out the hard way. VADA What do you remember about her. DARYL Well, we worked on the school paper together. I remember when the Legion of Decency declared Rebel without a Cause unfit...boy...that Jim Backers, what an actor uh? What an actor. Ah, she wrote this article about censorship in the first amendment, she was really something. Graduation, some big deal congressman saying Senator McCarthy was the greatest American ever. Maggie gets up in front of five hundred people...walks out...couple of people followed her too. Took a lot of guts. VADA Wow, you walked out with my mother? DARYL You kidding? he picks up a picture and shows Vada and Nick My parents would have shot me. I was the president of the young republicans. Nee say second generation...hall monitor. I didn't wanna start World War Three. NICK You saved a lot of lives, you should be very proud. VADA Umm, I'm trying to find out her greatest achievement. DARYL She was the uhh...first girl ever suspended for smoking. VADA Suspended from school, my mother?? DARYL Everyone was really surprised when Maggie was turned in, she got kicked out for two weeks. NICK What kind of sleazoid geek would turn her in? DARYL I would do it again in a minute. VADA You ratted on my mother?? NICK Who are you? Hitler's hall monitor? DARYL Well maybe you should join a hippie commune. But let me tell you something. Sooner or later it's gonna be your turn to take out the garbage. NICK What about giving the other guy a break. DARYL What about living in the real world pal? INTERCOM TANAKA got a minute? DARYL I'll be right there. he gets up and begins to leave (to Vada) Oh, ahh, I'd be a little more careful of who I hang around with. Nick picks up Daryl's packet of cigarettes and shows them to Vada NICK (to Vada) Care for a smoke? VADA AND NICK ARE WALKING ALONG THE STREET VADA This'll be great in my report, my mother was suspended for smoking. NICK I think it's cool. VADA You would. NICK You'd rather have a mother that's a member of the police state? Rules are made to be broken. (pointing to Nixon on TV in a shop window) Just ask him. NIXON ON TV ...about the fact that the president has nothing to this matter... BUDAPEST AUTO REPAIR, A RED JAGUAR ENTERS WITH A SCREECH AND A MAN GETS OUT AND MOVES OVER TO ROSE ROSE Hello. MAN Hi. ROSE What can I do for you? MAN Ehh...I'm staying at the chateau and the guy who runs the garage there said that you're the best Jag people in uhm. ROSE Well Enrique is great and...we are the best. MAN Then I have come to the right place. ROSE I guess you have. MAN I'm Sam Helburn. Sam. ROSE Rose. they shake hands ROSE So what's wrong? SAM Nothing, nothing at all. ROSE I mean...with your car. SAM Oh, ahh, oil change, I...ehh...I just drove in from Chicago and uhh...nice hair. ROSE Excuse me? SAM I was commenting on your hair. ROSE Oh, are you a hairdresser? SAM I'm a pediatric cardiologist. ROSE Oh, you mean you...fix the hearts...of little babies? SAM Mostly...little babies, but...not exclusively. Phil looks up from his work to see Sam holding Rose's hands, he is mildly annoyed SAM (laughing) ...It's all in the hands really. You know you have nice hands, you operate? ROSE (laughing) Yes, I do. SAM I guess I'll know...'cause it makes a good relief from the operating-room, I feel I have an obligation... Rose and Sam continue conversing as Phil comes over to them PHIL Hi, Phil Sultenfuss Phil goes to shake Sam's hand and then realizes that they are very dirty and withdraws his hand Oh sorry. Ahh, some kind of problem here? ROSE No, there's no problem, Dr. Helburn just needs to have his oil changed. PHIL Oh I see, 'cause usually that doesn't require such a lengthy consultation. SAM Well Rose was being very thorough. PHIL Was Rose. ROSE Ahh, Dr. Helburn, why don't you come in tomorrow-morning at eight o'clock, that's when we open, we'll get you started. SAM I'll be here. PHIL I look forward to it. Phil slaps the windscreen of Sam's car, leaving a huge greasy handprint Oh, I'm sorry, I'll get that for you in the morning. he gets out a rag and wipes the mark, smearing it Ooooh, made it worse, Get that for you in the morning. Nice wheels. SAM Thanks. Sam reverses out and drives off PHIL What's with the touching, why was he touching you? ROSE He wasn't touching me he was just...gesturing... PHIL He was caressing. ROSE Phil for God sake. PHIL God? No I didn't think you'd want to invoke God Rose, because he saw even more than I did. ROSE Look Phil, if you want the rights of a husband, you're gonna have to ask me something but if not, you're gonna have to get accustomed to the rights of what you are. PHIL Oh...what's that? ROSE Right now? An intimate border with...mechanical skills. Phil notices Nick and Vada entering the garage PHIL Hi! ROSE Oh, Hi, how's the investigation going? NICK Just call us the "dead end kids". VADA May I use the phone please. ROSE Oh, yeah, sure, help yourself. PHIL Anyone with taste, anyone with breeding.... A gentleman, would choose British racing green, with maybe a tan interior...but when you buy a red car, with a black interior and wire wheels, you have one thing on your mind and one thing only and I'm too much of a gentleman to say what that one thing front of the children. Vada and Nick exchange looks Even if I am just a glorified boarder. Phil changes the radio station from the classical one that Rose has it on, to a modern one, with some heavy 70's music on it Vada is talking on the phone trying to find the number for another one of her mother's friends VADA Hi, I would like the number of Stanley Rosenfeld photos, please? IN A BALL ROOM, HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE DANCING TO A SONG BEING PLAYED BY A LIVE BAND, VADA AND NICK ARE WALKING WITH STANLEY ROSENFELD STANLEY You know photography is an art form if you take it seriously enough, which I happen to do. Stanley sees a couple dancing Ester, Ester you gorgeous thing you, smile for the birdie. Hold, hold. ESTER Stomach in Harold. click STANLEY BEEAAAUUUUUUTIFULLL. ESTER Thank you. STANLEY Thank YOU. Vada and Nick exchange weird looks Your mother was something-special Vada, to tell you the truth, I had quite a crush on her. VADA Really? STANLEY Who didn't? She could play basketball like Jerry West, she danced like Sid Cherice, then she'd look at you with those big blue eyes, forget about it. I asked her out a couple of times but she always said no. Lenny, Nancy, you just got married, look happy, look happy, look like you mean it. click BEEAAAUUUUUUTIFULLL. I remember those days, then we all went off to UCLA and she started hanging round with those drama department types. There was this one guy, Peter Webb he's become a big director in Hollywood now...and the only reason I know him at all is that we were all together in this big poetry class with this crazy guy Albert Boderfelder... VADA Beidermeyer? STANLEY Beidermeyer that's it, what a mad man. VADA He's a great poet. STANLEY He is? VADA Do you know him? STANLEY Everybody did, walk along Citrus between Fountain and Sunset any afternoon. VADA He'll remember my mother for sure. STANLEY It was a big class Vada and...but...well of course he'll remember, who could forget Maggie? VADA Just one more thing. Does this mean anything to you? Vada gets out the brown paper bag and shows it to Stanley STANLEY No it doesn't but... I...I wish it did. VADA Well, thanks for your help Mr. Rosenfeld and I'm sorry my mother wouldn't go out with you, I'm sure she would have had a really great time. STANLEY I would have tried to show her a good time. I promised her when she left that I would never forget her and I never did. Stanley Rosenfeld does not forget. VADA AND NICK ARE WALKING DOWN A PAVEMENT, TALKING VADA This is the street he walks down every day. When he needs inspiration... NICK Boy, you're really into this. VADA He is one of the great poets. they look across the road and see an old man sitting in a chair, writing VADA I think it's him. they cross the road VADA He's writing. Hello? MAN If you're selling Girl Scout cookies I'm borderline diabetic. VADA You're Alfred Beidermeyer aren't you? ALFRED You had to remind me? VADA Are you writing a poem? ALFRED No, I'm writing to the phone company because they keep charging me for calls to Caracas, you know any know anybody in Caracas, Venezuela? VADA & NICK No. ALFRED Neither do I. a buzzer sounds Ask not for whom the bell tolls...time for my medication and my nap. as he gets up, he knocks everything off his table NICK Here, we'll help you carry your stuff. ALFRED I can handle it, I can handle that. Oh well, thank you, I'm in the penthouse. Vada and Nick begin to climb the stairs Penthouse A, it's there over on the left. Alfred begins to climb the stairs after Vada and Nick, very slowly NICK If he has a heart attack you're carrying the body down yourself. VADA At least it gives you plenty of exercise. ALFRED It keeps me young. They all enter Alfred's apartment VADA (referring to the table that she is carrying) Umm, where do you want this? ALFRED Oh, just put it over there. Vada is looking through Alfred's bookshelf VADA Do you still teach? ALFRED No, no, no, I gave it up ten years ago...actually it gave me up. Vada finds a book of interest VADA My mother took this course with you at UCLA..."The Foundations of Poetic Thought". ALFRED UCLA? My cardigan sweater period. VADA Her name was Maggie Muldovan. ALFRED (completely absentmindedly) Ohhhhh. NICK Remember her? ALFRED I've been blessed with a very bad memory. VADA People said she looked like me. ALFRED I was drinking a little in those days. (gets up) I'm drinking a little these days too. VADA I'm sure she found your lectures fascinating. ALFRED Oh I doubt it...lectures are notoriously boring. VADA No they're not. I wanna be a writer, I wanna be just like you. ALFRED Humph, meee?? My dear, this is not a country that rewards poetry, this is a country that rewards gas mileage, besides, people don't read poetry anymore, they watch television. Don't be a poet, be a TV repairman. OUTSIDE, NICK AND VADA ARE GOING DOWN STEPS OUTSIDE ALFRED BEIDERMEYER'S FLAT NICK Vada, come on...I got a place I always go when I need cheering up. TAR PITS, VADA AND NICK ARE ON THE VIEWING PLATFORM LOOKING OVER THE EDGE VADA The tar pits? This is where you come to get cheered up? NICK Look at it this way, however bad I feel, it isn't as bad as becoming extinct in a bottomless pit of tar. VADA And I thought I was weird. NICK You are weird. Let's just go. VADA Oh, no wait, I like that you bought me here. Vada and Nick sit down on a concrete bench NICK Hey what do I care...I mean, consider the sorts, a chick from Pennsylvania, who wears a mood ring. VADA This isn't just a mood ring. NICK Does it work? VADA Well, it doesn't open cans or anything but's sort of a reminder of a friend of mine. NICK Boyfriend? VADA Well he was a boy, he was my friend...he was my best friend. When we were kids we were gonna...move out here and move to the Brady Bunch. Then umm, I lost this ring in the woods...and when he went to find it...he got stung by bees and he died. NICK Do you think your friend's up in Heaven now, looking down on you and watching you all the time? VADA (smiles) Well, I hope he's not watching me all the time. NICK Let me see if it changes colors on me. VADA ehh...Okay...but be careful, it has a lot of sentimental value. Vada takes the ring off and hands it carefully to Nick, they stand up NICK Maybe it'll fit my pinkie. VADA Don't force it, you'll break it. NICK I'm not gonna break it, I just wanna see it change colors. VADA I want it back now. I never should have taken it off, I want it back. Nick begins to tease Vada with her mood ring, she begins to get quite distressed NICK Hey relax, I'm not gonna break it. VADA Give it to me! NICK Come and get it. VADA Just give it to me!! NICK Just come and get it...right here! VADA DON'T, come on!!! Nick has his back against the side of the platform with his arm outstretched, threatening to drop it NICK Woah, watch it! VADA DON'T!!! NICK (expression suddenly changes) Uh oh... VADA What do you mean "Uh Oh"??? NICK ...I dropped it. VADA In the tar?? NICK It was an accident, I'll get you a new one. Vada runs off down the steps NICK Where are you going??? VADA Owh... Nick is sprinting after Vada, who is running fast toward the fence NICK Vada wait up!!!!! WAIT!!!!! Vada tries to scale the fence to get into the enclosed area to retrieve her ring, Nick pulls her off NICK What are you doing? You can't go in there! VADA Oh no?!?!?! Vada climbs again, Nick pulls her off again NICK It's dangerous!! VADA (pushing Nick) Leave me alone!! That ring is the only thing I have left of Thomas J, I have to get it!! NICK You mean, (opens other hand) this ring? VADA Jerk! You IDIOT!!! Vada begins to hit Nick quite fiercely NICK You hit pretty good, for a girl!! they run off NIGHT TIME INSIDE THE ZSIGMOND HOUSE, NICK OPENS HIS BEDROOM DOOR AND EMERGES DRESSED IN HIS PAJAMAS Nick walks over past where Vada is sleeping on the couch- bed and stops, turns back and moves over to take a look at the sleeping beauty, all of a sudden the light in Rose & Phil's room goes on ROSE (whispering, from bedroom) Nicholas! What are you doing up? NICK I...ahhh...umm...I'm thirsty. ROSE There's water in your bathroom. NICK (opening fridge) I want juice! ROSE Don't wake up Vada. NICK I won't. Vada smiles and opens her eyes SOME WESTERN MOVIE SET IN HOLLYWOOD, VADA AND NICK ARE WALKING ALONG TALKING TO PETER WEBB PETER I think ahh...Maggie could have been a major glitter. She'd talent, God knows that face was made for close-ups but everything was...magic with Maggie. I remember, we were walking down Hollywood Boulevard, we put our feet in the stars' footprints, you know like tourists do, Maggie could not believe it, her feet were the same size as Judy Garland. Of course mine matched perfectly with Orson Wells. Hahaha, just kidding. You should call Hillary Mitchell...Maggie were very close. She's got this funky little clothing store over here on Melrose, I'd call her for you but well we ahh, kinda had this thing you a little messy. Peter writes on a piece of paper and then hands it to Vada VADA Thanks. Umm...would you know what this is? Vada hands her mother's brown paper bag over to Peter PETER Well not really. Ahh, could be the date of an opening, an Not my birthday. I dunno, dates on paper bags? Peter gives the bag back to Vada VADA My mom. PETER (looks at watch) Woooh, I have got to get to Dailies, gotta break this up. VADA Well thanks for your time, I know you're very busy. PETER You are Maggie all let me know if you ever wanna be a movie got the face for close-ups too. VADA Thanks. Peter gives Vada a kiss on the forehead, then walks off NICK What a dufus. LIVING ROOM OF ZSIGMOND HOUSE, PHIL AND ROSE ARE READY TO GO OUT, VADA AND NICK ARE SITTING READING MAGAZINES PHIL We may go out for coffee after the meeting so don't expect us before midnight. ROSE There's plenty of fruit. PHIL You know where the fire extinguisher is. NICK If the fruit burst into flames I'll be prepared. ROSE (to Nick, whom she gives a kiss on the forehead) You're so clever. (to Vada) Are you all right honey? VADA I'm just tired. ROSE All right, well get to bed early and don't let anybody in. Bye. PHIL Lock the door. VADA Bye. Vada looks up expectantly at Nick, who gets up and goes to the door to check that Rose and Phil have left NICK We have lift off. the song "Bennie and the Jets" begins to play ON HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD, NICK AND VADA ARE LOOKING AT ALL THE STARS ON THE PAVEMENT VADA Joan Crawford, oh I love her...there's the Marx Brothers. Carol Lombard, my dad's favorite! NICK Never heard of her. VADA Montgomery Clift, wait 'till I tell Shelly. NICK Here's Judy Garland! Vada runs over VADA My mother stood on this very spot. NICK I'm afraid your feet won't fit in there. VADA That's 'cause I was cursed with the Sultenfuss Bear Claws. My hands fit. NICK Big deal. A hippie walks past smoking a joint, and blows a puff of it on Vada, who smells it and coughs VADA What's he smoking? NICK What do you think? VADA Really? Vada starts off after him, but Nick grabs her arm and pulls her away, they walk off and then Vada sees a sign saying Ears Pierced, 5.00 VADA Hey look! NICK This is a totally barbaric custom. They enter the store VADA AND NICK STROLLING QUIETLY DOWN A PAVEMENT IN FRONT OF A LARGE WALL MURAL OF MOVIE STARS NICK So if Phil marries my mom, she'd be your Aunt right? VADA Right. NICK And you'd be my cousin? VADA Yeah I guess...sort of. NICK But we wouldn't really be related right? VADA Oh no, we wouldn't be from the same bloodlines or anything. We'd be like two total strangers who...accidentally had relatives that got married. NICK Good. I mean... VADA Marriage can really complicate things. So, aren't you gonna say anything about my earrings? NICK I already did, it's a totally barbaric custom...but on you, it looks good. Vada smiles BUS PULLS UP TO STOP NEAR BUDAPEST AUTO REPAIRS, NICK AND VADA RUN OFF OF IT AND SPRINT OFF TOWARDS THE DOOR TO NICK'S HOUSE VADA We should've called. NICK It's not that late! they enter the living room, Rose and Phil are sitting waiting ROSE You're grounded 'till you're fifty! NICK You're over reacting! ROSE Make that sixty and I'm docking your allowance for two weeks. NICK MOM! ROSE You think this is easy for me? You go out on the town and I get to be the bad guy. Look I don't want you to be some punk hoodlum delinquent but I can't do my job as a parent if you don't do your job as a kid. VADA It's not his fault! NICK was me. And I'm sorry mom, really, ju...just tell me what to do, I'll do anything. ROSE Go to your room. (to Vada) And you...I don't suppose your father gave you permission to pierce your ears, did he? VADA Not exactly. ROSE Well just don't shave your legs...he'll never let you visit us again if I send you home hairless and full of holes. Phil moves his hand up to cover his smile as he tries desperately not to laugh GARAGE DAY, DR HELBURN DRIVES IN SAM Good morning. ROSE Well maybe for you. SAM Something wrong? ROSE Well let's just say you're lucky you deal with children who are under anesthesia. SAM Well, even without anesthesia I always tell my patients to relax.'t it time for your coffee break or something? There must be some place we can ROSE Oh no, I, couldn't. SAM You couldn't? ROSE Well I'm sort of involved. SAM Sort of? ROSE Let's just say'm involved. SAM Where I come from, involvement...generally calls for a substantial piece of jewelry. ROSE Oh, well, I don't wear a lot of jewelry. SAM All right, so you don't like jewelry do music. Liszt, one of my favorites. ROSE Lizt was my parents' favorite, they were Hungarian. SAM Hungarian. Famous for their beautiful music...and beautiful women. Phil approaches, looking annoyed PHIL Doctor Helburn, what a surprise. In the last couple of days we've changed your oil, realigned your brakes, balanced and rotated your tires, aligned your front end, and flushed out your entire cooling system, I really didn't expect to be seeing you for another three thousand miles. SAM Oh what can I say Phil, it's just that I feel so welcome here. ROSE And you are. Phil glances at Rose SAM Ahh, why don't I come in first thing in the morning and you can check out that left blinker for me. ROSE Oh, sure okay. SAM I'll see you then...I look forward to it. Sam gets into his car and drives off PHIL You really oughtta flush out that line of bullshit he's got: Hungarian's are famous for their beautiful women. ROSE What's wrong with a little flattery? What's wrong with a little appreciation? Rose starts to move toward the office PHIL Wait, are you saying that I don't appreciate? ROSE I'm saying he asked me out for coffee, like a real date, when was the last time you did that? PHIL Wha...what do you mean? We have a date every night. ROSE No, that's not a date, a date is when I don't cook. Rose shuts the door PHIL I do the dishes. VADA AND NICK ARE WALKING DOWN A STREET, THEY STOP AND ENTER A SHOP VADA'S THOUGHTS I'd go to a fortuneteller but they can only predict the future...I need someone who can predict the past. INSIDE SHOP LADY Hi, can I help you? VADA Are you the Hillary Mitchell who went to school with Maggie Muldovan? HILLARY Maggie Muldovan? Did you...know her? NICK She's her daughter, Vada. HILLARY Ooh...of course! (hugs Vada) Oh, look at you! Oh it's the eyes mostly and the hair too and now she's gone...she's gone...she'll never get to see how well you've turned out. Oh... oh my God...Maggie! You poor thing! Hillary begins to sob and hug Vada VADA It's okay really, I was just a baby. HILLARY I'm sorry, it's just...I've been taking all these seminars to get in touch with my feelings and...sometimes it gets out of hand. Nick reaches over and gets a tissue, then hands it to Hillary NICK Here. HILLARY Oh, thank you, you're very sweet. So how did you find out where I was? NICK Peter Webb told us. HILLARY Peter? You saw Peter? Oh God... (begins to cry, and then hugs Nick) Oh forgive me, I'm making such a scene here. Why don't you have a seat. VADA Thanks. HILLARY I remember Maggie...and your Dad too, you know we used to all pile into his old 54 Ford pickup. "Chuck the Truck" we used to call it. It was pitch black, with a red leather interior. Does he still drive that? VADA No, but sometimes he drives a hearse. NICK He's an undertaker. HILLARY You're kidding, Jeffrey Pommeroy's an undertaker? Vada and Nick are confused VADA His name's Harry Sultenfuss. HILLARY Oh. (then it dawns on her) Ohhh? VADA What're you saying? HILLARY Ummmmm, look, I...I... VADA Are you saying my mother had another husband? HILLARY Oh honey, back then...people did crazy things. VADA They sure did! They got kicked out of school, they married truck drivers...these are my mother's greatest accomplishments? I'm sure glad I came all the way out here to find them out. Vada runs out of store, Nick looks at Hillary and then follows OUTSIDE ON SIDEWALK Vada is running down the sidewalk NICK Vada, wait up! Vada slows down and Nick catches up Just because you mother was married before, doesn't mean anything. VADA (very near tears) Maybe not...but maybe it does. If no one told me about this, I mean...maybe they're trying to hide something. NICK Like what? VADA Maybe this Jeffrey guy my real father. I mean...look at me, I have the hair of a dead person and...and my nose, no one in my family has this nose, it could be the nose of...a...of a complete stranger, Vada's voice is getting a little hysterical and she is starting to cry I mean...I came out here find out about my mother and I...and I found... Vada turns around, covers her face and cries NICK Don't cry...come on...that lady in there looked pretty flaky to me. How 'bout Phil, maybe he knows something about all this. At least you should talk to him before you get worked up. VADA Before I get worked up? You don't think this is worked up? Nick takes Vada by the shoulders and gently turns her around, he then wipes a tear from her cheek NICK That thing you said about your was a stranger's nose...well it's's...I's know? VADA Nick? NICK Yeah? VADA This has been a real confusing day. Nick nods ZSIGMOND DINING ROOM TABLE, VADA, PHIL, NICK AND ROSE ARE SITTING EATING VADA How could Dad let me visit here and find out like this? Phil shrugs VADA I'm gonna call him...and make him tell me everything. Phil knows something that Vada doesn't, and he doesn't want Vada to phone Harry at the moment PHIL Uhh sweetie, I wou... I wou...I wou... VADA Don't worry, I'll do it in my own subtle way. Vada picks up the phone and dials a number HARRY Hello? Sultenfuss Parlor. VADA Hi Dad. HARRY Hi honey. VADA I just called to say that I'm having a really great time. HARRY Good! You should go over and watch some Ted Carson. VADA Actually, I wanna see Jeffrey Pommeroy. HARRY AND SHELLY'S ROOM BACK IN PENNSYLVANIA, SHELLY IS LYING IN BED LOOKING SICK, HARRY IS SITTING BESIDE HER ON THE PHONE TO VADA HARRY Is kind of a new rock star or something? VADA VADA Yeah. HARRY Totally groovy huh? VADA Totally. HARRY HARRY Ask him if he needs a good tuba player. VADA VADA I will. How's Shelly? HARRY HARRY Oh she's fine...ahh...umm the doctor just...ehh...told her to stay in bed and get a little rest and...'n stay quiet...just...just to make sure that... VADA VADA Okay...bye daddy, I love you. HARRY HARRY I love you too sweetie, bye. VADA Give my love to Shelly. Harry hangs up and then looks at Shelly who has just opened her eyes, and is weakly smiling a little VADA VADA Shelly's sick...I have to get to the bottom of this whole thing and get back there. ROSE She'll be all right baby. VADA Yeah...right, it's pointless to worry. L.A.P.D. AGAIN, VADA AND NICK ARE TALKING TO DARYL TANAKA DARYL I'm not authorized to trace licenses for civilians. VADA His name is Jeffrey Pommeroy and he used to drive a 54 Ford pickup, black with red interior. Please? NICK Give us a break. All you have to do is make a phone call. DARYL (to Vada) I thought I told you to lose this guy. NICK Look, sergeant I know I said some things last time that I shouldn't have said at all but... DARYL I think the phrase was "Sleazoid Geek". NICK I'm sorry okay...we gotta find this guy because...he knew Vada's mom and he could tell her stuff that no one else knows. DARYL You're still asking me to break the law. VADA No, we're asking you to stand up with Maggie Muldovan like you should have years ago. Daryl thinks for a moment then picks up the phone and dials a number DARYL Yeah, this is Sergeant Tanaka from Holenbeck, I need a current address for a Jeffrey.... VADA Pommeroy. DARYL Pommeroy...he may or may not be driving a black 54 Ford Pickup. (covers phone) Monday. VADA (disappointed) I'm leaving Sunday. DARYL (into phone) Could you hold on for a second? (quietly, to Vada and Nick) Look, I can't get priority without a criminal charge. NICK So charge him with something...who's gonna know? DARYL Me, I'll know! VADA Do you wanna be a hall monitor all your life? DARYL (into phone) Hello, I'm gonna need this right now...this guy...well we think he might be going after the governor. (pause) Twenty minutes? Fine. BUDAPEST GARAGE, VADA AND PHIL ARE LOOKING AT THE ENGINE OF A CAR PHIL So give him a call, the worst he can do is hang up on you, right? VADA I feel like before I can talk to him I have to see his face. PHIL How's this for a solution. We'll take a drive over to his place, you can introduce yourself.... VADA I'd like to see his house but...I don't know if I'd have the nerve to just go up and knock on his door. I don't think I can go through with it. PHIL Then we'll keep'll decide. VADA AND PHIL DRIVING DOWN HIGHWAY, THEY TURN OFF INTO A SIDE ROAD PHIL You're awfully quiet. VADA Do you think I should tell my dad about Jeffrey Pommeroy? PHIL I don't know, he's got an awful lot on his mind right now. Maybe some day when the time is right. VADA Maybe. PHIL Then again, your dad's got his own memories and he's got his own life now...I think this is a secret just between you and your mom. VADA A secret, I like that. PHIL'S TRUCK PULLS UP TO A HOUSE PHIL This is it I guess. VADA Well, I've come this far...the least I can do is knock on the door. PHIL You want me to come with? VADA (shakes her head) I should do this myself. PHIL Okay...take your time...I'll...I'll go for a walk around. VADA Okay. Vada gets out and makes her way up to the front door, petting the dog sitting on the doorstep, she turns to look back at Phil PHIL (in car, gesturing that she should press the bell) Go ahead honey...go ahead. Vada presses door bell, waits then presses it again, then a man opens the door MAN Hi there...can I help you? VADA Are you Jeffrey Pommeroy? JEFFREY Sure am, who are you? VADA I am Vada Margaret Sultenfuss. My mother was... JEFFREY Maggie...Maggie's little girl. Vada nods JEFFREY I was hoping I'd get to meet you. VADA You mean, you knew about me? VOICE FROM INSIDE Who is it honey? A woman appears next to Jeffrey JEFFREY It's aah...Maggie's little girl, Vada. WOMAN Ohh, Oh my. JEFFREY This is my wife Emily. EMILY Hi. VADA Hi. JEFFREY Umm...can you come in for a minute? VADA I'd like to, thanks. they enter the house. Vada walks next to Jeffrey who leads them into the living room, a little girl suddenly comes running in LITTLE GIRL Mommy, Daddy, I painted you a rainbow, come and see. EMILY (to Katie) This is Vada, (to Vada) Vada this is our little girl Katie. VADA Hi. KATIE (shy) Hi. EMILY Umm...why don't we let Daddy and Vada visit for a little while? KATIE Okay. JEFFREY Okay. KATIE Bye. VADA Bye. (Emily and Katie leave) She looks a little like me when I was a little girl. JEFFREY Does she? Vada nods JEFFREY I'm glad you're here. VADA You are? JEFFREY Yeah, come on, let's talk. they move into the kitchen IN KITCHEN, JEFFREY IS IN FRIDGE GETTING A DRINK VADA We have this school assignment to write about someone we never met and I chose my mother. She was born in Los Angeles and since my uncle Phil moved out here I came in to visit him and then I looked at her high school yearbook and... and I called a few people and one guy said that she went to UCLA, another guy said that I should call Hillary Mitchell so.... JEFFREY Hillary Mitchell? How's she? VADA Oh she's great...she's a little crazy though. Anyway, Hillary said that you had a black Ford truck and this policeman I know got in touch with Motor Vehicles and...he gave me your address and here I am. JEFFREY (laughs) VADA I told you it was a long story. JEFFREY That's all right, you know what? You sound just sounded just like your mother...she told great stories. Stories with crazy accents and...special effects. VADA Special effects? JEFFREY Yeah like, switching a lamp on and off when she was talking about lightning...audiences love stuff like that. And your mom knew how to work an audience. VADA I don't know very much about her...I was hoping that you could help me. JEFFREY I'll try. Vada gets out her brown paper bag and hands it to JEFFREY VADA No one else knows what this means. JEFFREY looks at it for a moment as memories come flooding back JEFFREY You see...the thing is, we always wanted to work in a theater, so we drove out to New York, to Broadway where it was...where it was all happening...and...New York was just full of fancy French restaurants and we wanted to get married in one but we were totally broke, so your mom found this little coffee shop...little tables round the back...and real tablecloths on 'em, and a minister who worked cheap...but when we got down to the coffee shop there was a sign on the door that said Closed by the Board of Health. By that time it had started snowing, so...we just got married...right outside in the snow. It was freezing but it was wonderful. And for our wedding feast, we had a bag of hot roasted chestnuts. This is the bag. VADA And she saved it. JEFFREY (nods) Well, we didn't have a she just wrote the date on the bag and said, "This will be out wedding album, this will be a day we will never forget." We never did. VADA Do you have any pictures if her? JEFFREY I've got something better. ROOM WITH PROJECTOR SITTING BEHIND COUCH, VADA IS SEATED ON THE COUCH AND JEFFREY IS SITTING BEHIND HER OPERATING IT Vada and JEFFREY are watching the movie JEFFREY We called ourselves "The Appearing Nightly Players". MAGGIE (on screen, in French accent) Darling, oh where is my chauffeur? You don't want I should walk to the stage? An actress of my overwhelming talent? VADA She's beautiful. JEFFREY We performed on the beach one summer...ha...everything went wrong. we can see the acting troupe stuffing round on the beach, then Maggie in a doughnut-floatie in the sea with an umbrella, then playing volleyball, then sitting at a table surrounded by friends, she is convinced to sing by her friends, which she begins to do MAGGIE Smile though your heart is aching, Smile, even though it's breaking, When there are clouds, In the sky you'll get by, If you smile through your fears and sorrows, Smile and maybe tomorrow, You'll see the sun come shining through if you, Light up your face with gladness, Hide every trace of sadness, Although a tear may be ever so near, That's the time you must keep on trying, Smile, what's the use of crying, You'll find that life is still worthwhile, If you just smile. the group that Maggie sang for start to complement her and chatter away, then the reel ends, JEFFREY turns off the projector, gets up and turns on the light JEFFREY She had a...a beautiful voice. Vada nods, crying a little JEFFREY Would you have these movies? VADA (turns around) More than anything in the world. JEFFREY (nods) It's good to see Maggie again...and you. VADA Umm...didn't you ever wonder about me? JEFFREY Well I didn't know about you until after she was gone. VADA I thought that...umm...maybe you'd be curious about how I turned out. JEFFREY I'd say you turned out just fine. VADA I guess what I mean is, my mother married my dad after you...and then I was born, so I thought that...maybe you got divorced because of me. JEFFREY Wait...woah...woah...wait a minute...Do you think I'm your father? VADA Well... JEFFREY Honey I'd be proud to be your father, really. It just isn't so. they walk outside JEFFREY Maggie wanted to have a baby...and...umm...I didn't. VADA oh. JEFFREY She didn't wanna miss out on anything...especially got to be a real problem with us. I thought she had plenty of time, she didn't. Anyway...that's why I was grateful when she met your father, he had the sense to love her the way she deserved...and most of all...I was glad that she had you, the baby she always wanted. I wanted you to know that. this has made Vada's day, she looks very happy, they hug each other BUDAPEST GARAGE, VADA IS TALKING TO NICK, ROSE AND PHIL VADA And I'm gonna use the movies when I give my report. Jeffrey says audiences love special effects. NICK You better ace sacrificed our whole vacation. ROSE Well it's a wonderful story with a very happy ending. Sam enters the garage in his car PHIL Sorry doc, we close for business at 3 o'clock today. Sam gets out and walks over to Rose, and offers Rose a box SAM Ahh...this isn't business. You know I...I found this wonderful little Hungarian restaurant that makes it's own strudel and I...I thought you might like a taste of the old country. You see there's apple in there and...and cherry and this is cheese but I...I gotta say I think that cherry really.... Phil grabs the strudel and puts it back in Sam's car PHIL Okay, that does it, that does it, the strudel does it, first it's brakes then.... I mean I am not gonna let some Podiatrist with a Jaguar full of strudel come waltzing in here and.... SAM I'm not a Podiatrist, I'm a Cardiologist. PHIL Who cares? Rose, tell him we have an arrangement. SAM Well, wha...what kind of arrangement? ROSE Yes, what kind of arrangement? I'd be very interested to know what kind of an arrangement we have. PHIL You know exactly...what kind it is. Come on Rose...what do you want from me? ROSE I don't want anything you don't wanna give me. SAM And you certainly shouldn't settle for anything less that you deserve. PHIL You stay out of this, look, if I had a red XK-150 with a black interior, I sure as hell wouldn't be handing out relationship advice. SAM I don't think the color of the interior is.... PHIL Rose this not the place to be having this... ROSE I think this place is just fine. PHIL You know how I feel about you. ROSE You like the way I think I make out a great invoice. PHIL You and Nick and...and this...this garage are my whole life...I love you. Sure you don't have the greatest taste in music...but there's not another woman who could look so sexy in that smock. What I'm try... what I'm trying to sa... Vada takes Phil's hand and mouths the word "commitment" to him, giving him strength What I mean to say...Rose will you marry me? ROSE You really think I look sexy in this smock? PHIL Is that a yes? Phil and Rose hug each other and kiss, Sam looks defeated, Vada and Nick smile at each other AT AIRPORT, VADA IS ABOUT TO BOARD HER PLANE, ROSE AND PHIL ARE STANDING NEXT TO HER VADA Thanks for everything, you're the best. PHIL No, you're the best and I don't want you talking to anybody on the plane. VADA Dad already gave me this lecture. He's gonna meet me at the airport, then we'll go for some pizza, then we'll have dinner in bed with Shelly. PHIL Sounds great, well you give 'em both one of these for me. Phil gives Vada hug and a kiss VADA Bye Aunt Rose. ROSE Bye Niece, Vada. Rose and Vada hug VADA Thanks. Well, bye. Vada walks down the corridor a little and stops by Nick who is waiting for her VADA ...umm...Listen, I'm had to sacrifice your entire vacation. NICK Some sacrifices are worth it. VADA You wasn't that terrible? NICK I wouldn't say it was was...kind of... VADA An adventure? NICK (smiling) Part adventure...part miracle. Nick looks into Vada's eyes, they kiss, a long moment passes and their lips part. They both smile at each other NICK Write me a poem? VADA (shakes her head smiling) NICK No? VADA I'll write you ten poems. (PA springs to life informing people to board NOW) Bye. NICK Good-bye, look in your backpack. Vada turns around and looks at Nick VADA Okay. Vada walks down the passage and turns out of sight, Nick turns and heads past Rose and Phil, his eyes fixated on some object far away, there is only one word to describe how he looks STONED ON LOVE INSIDE PLANE, VADA IN HER SEAT, SHE REMOVES HER SEATBELT AND OPENS HER BACKPACK she finds a little box which she opens and finds contained in it a note and a pair of earrings, she looks at the earrings and then reads the note VADA'S THOUGHTS (reading note) In memory of barbaric customs, Love Nick. this makes Vada extremely happy VADA'S THOUGHTS Life is full of barbaric customs, I just hope they all end with a kiss like that. as Vada disembarks, she makes her way into the crowd of people waiting to pick up others, Arthur is standing there waiting, Vada approaches VADA Arthur, where's my dad? ARTHUR He took Shelly to the hospital. VADA Is she okay? ARTHUR Well, she was making a lot of noise. they exit the scene OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL, ARTHUR PULLS UP AND LETS VADA OUT Vada gets out of the car and runs inside, making her way through corridors to the maternity ward, where Harry is waiting VADA Dad! Vada and Harry hug each other VADA What happened to Shelly? HARRY She just had a baby that's all. VADA (excited) We have a baby? HARRY Uh huh, a boy, you've got a new brother. VADA Can I see him? HARRY You can do anything you want. You're his sister. Hey, what's on your ear? VADA ENTERS THE ROOM WHERE SHELLY IS LYING HOLDING THE BABY VADA Shelly? SHELLY Hey! Oh look. VADA He's so tiny. SHELLY I know, look at his little hands. HARRY I'm sorry I couldn't come pick you up honey. SHELLY I was pushing as fast as I could. VADA Did it hurt a lot? SHELLY You have no idea. BABY WAAAAAAAAAAH!!! SHELLY Shhhh. VADA Let me hold him. SHELLY O.K. Vada gently takes the baby from Shelly's arms SHELLY Maybe he's wet? HARRY Maybe he's hungry. VADA He's just have to sing to him. "Smile though your heart is aching, Smile, even though it's breaking, Although a tear may be ever so near, That's the time you must keep on trying, Smile, what's the use of crying, You'll find that life is still worthwhile, If you just smile." OUTSIDE, HARRY SHELLY VADA AND BABY (IN PRAM) ARE TAKING A WALK VADA'S THOUGHTS Things haven't exactly calmed down around here, I got an A+ on the report, Dad's getting used to my pierced ears and Nick's coming to visit this summer. Other than that I'm busy being a big sister. I'd like to tell my brother about my mom, how I got to meet her friends and find out how special she was, I mean...she may not have her footprints in cement but she definitely left her imprint on the world...and I told them that even though it sounds conceited...her greatest achievement was me. Vada, Harry, Shelly and the baby cross the road and walk off down the sidewalk as the camera rises and the song "My Girl" begins to play and the credits roll